This is a picture of Ashley taken about August 2007. August 21, 2007 she decided that she jsut had to get married and pictures of that and the resulting pregnancy are on other places on this bog.
November 12, 2008 Ashely was divorced. The picture below is from the trial ride on November 1, 2008 at Praugue Lake. Dalia never got in front and didn't get any pictures of her smile, but Ashley is much happeir now.
The pink headed girl is one of Ashley's friends that has moved in with us. Both girls have contracts and are learning what living up to them means.
Ashley is not required to pay child support, since she doesn't have a stable job. She is beginning to figure out that she needs to get her GED and driver's liscense to get a stable job. And she is beginning to head in that direction. Liz is talking about reenrolling in high school. I don't think Ashley will do that, but you never know.
Ashley does have superivsed visitation until she is 21, has a driver's lisence and taken a child rearing class. Rick and I get to be the supervisors, although others can be in that role. Her mother and grandmother are not allowed to visit Rain unless at a DHS approved site. Those two people needed to be kept very far away. Justin was awarded sole custody of Rain in every effort to keep that element from her.
Over the last several weeks Ashley has shown that she does not want to be a full time mother. I think it would have been better if she had realized that 14 months ago, but some folks just have to live to realize what they want in life and what they don't. It's just a really hard lesson to learn and watch being taught.
Hoepfully the remaining lessons until Ashely is 18 (April 11, 2009) are not as hard.
Allsyon is doing better in school. She is learning that we were serious about needing to pass all her classes. She failed Algebra and is retaking it this trimester. In OK you have to pass it before youcan graduate from high school. Maybe having the two older girls around will help Allyson understand what she needs to do. :)
Well, better get back to work. Hope you have a wonderful week. We feel a large relief at our house. Not everyone celebrates a divorce, but sometimes it's a good thing.
Deb in Claremore, OK