Welcome to the eighth edition of the Sierra Ranch News! I hope everyone is surviving in the winter weather. We had a wonderful ice storm in NE OK the second weekend of December. It will go down as the worst disaster in OK history. Considering we are the land of the awesome tornadoes that’s saying something.
Sierra Ranch survived with minor damage. We went from Sunday (12/9) at 5AM to Thursday (12/13) at 7PM without electricity. Not bad considering that some folks around us were without power all through Christmas. We did pretty well with our generator that we use to camp with. We could power most of our critical facilities. Blower in the fireplace, fridge, microwave, coffee pot, satellite TV and internet and three computers. As Rick says it was a minor inconvenience. And he also reminded me that God provided us with plenty of wonderful wood. All over the front yard and down the driveway!
I realized we have not put out a newsletter since then. Life has been getting in the way of that. We are rearranging our priorities and will focus on the Ranch and home life very soon. We have a new addition at the Ranch and this time it is not a horse. Allyson, Rick’s third child has come to live with us full time. Allyson is wonderful help and is adjusting well to her new school and environment. Allyson is 14 and in the 8th grade. You can see pictures of her on our website. And if you would like to email her you may at allyson@sierraranchok.com I am sure she would like to hear from folks.
You can also see Allyson’s Valentine’s Day Dance Pictures at http://sierraranch.multiply.com/
Tell us what you where you plan on riding this winter. Many folks stop riding in the winter, but sometimes this is the best time of the year to ride. Let us know what information you would like to learn tips on horse keeping, latest horses for sale and any other info you find interesting. As always you can email me and let me know what might interest you to learn about.
Sierra Ranch Logo!
I am still working on our second logo. Folks seem to kinda like the first one. The one I am still working on incorporates all the different aspects of what we do. We have raced, loved to ride, jump, and do performance events. Most of our horses are good at all these things, so we should show this off. The picture can bee seen at the Yahoo Group site at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SierraRanchOK/ or at the Sierra Ranch Multiply site at http://sierraranch.multiply.com/ or at the blog at http://sierraranchok.blogspot.com
Let us know what you think about this logo and shortly we will post the other one for all to critic. Soon we will have set up a CafePress site with stuff to buy. Until then please check out the HorseMatch.net CafePress store. Check out the link: http://www.cafepress.com/horsematch. I am working on getting calendars and posters on the store, probably for next year. You never know whose picture will be on the calendar. We also made some t-shirt at a local t-shirt shop to sell at the ranch. Look for more stuff to come along the way. We want to get our name out and about on the trails around
Check this out!
All About Bitless Bridles
Bit-free headgear is sometime the answer for sensitive horses or though training problems. The original remote-control device was a brilliant notion: Suspend a metal bar in the horse’s mouth, and use the rigid mouthpiece, via some reins, to control the horse’s speed and direction. Brilliant, yes, but far from flawless. To read the whole article, click the link below:
New Vaccination Guidelines for Horses Released
Revised guidelines for the vaccination of horses are now available from the Infectious Disease Committee of the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP). The committee, chaired by Mary Scollay, DVM, has made recommendations for the use of vaccines based on the age of the horse and its previous vaccination history. To read the whole article, click the link below:
Olympic Workshop Reviews Horse Health Concerns
“Horses will be better cared for than the human athletes at the equestrian Olympic Games in Hong Kong this summer,” said International Olympic Committee Medical Director Patrick Schamasch, MD, at the end of the pre-Olympic Workshop held by the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) Feb. 17 in
Upcoming Rides and Other Events
It’s time to send in events for the upcoming year. Send them to me or to the link on Oklahoma Horse Online. Many of these came from listing on www.oklahomahorseonline.com. Check it out!
March 1 & 2 Will Rogers Classic Open Horse Show, Claremore OK
March 1 Endurance Ride, AERC,
March 6-9 Green Country Paint Horse Show,
March 7-9 Indian Mounds Horse
March 7-9 Ranch Sorting & Team Penning in
March 8, 2008 BGTRC Back in the
March 8-9
March 15 Equine Freeze Branding, Windsong Arena,
March 15 NEOSHA Open Horse Show, Cleveland County Fairgrounds Norman OK, 9 am, Jumping, English, Western www.neosha.com 918-251-5788
March 15 Oil Capital Trail Ride at Cherokee [Gruber] Wildlife Management Area starting at 9AM. Cost $15 includes evening meal Neg. Coggins required Contact Mick Lunt 918 266-5039 or 830-4210 David Cravens 543-2115 or 640-7339, Earnie Hollifield 261-2767
March 22-24 Land Run 08 NATRC,
March 22 2nd Annual Haskell County 4-H Horse Club trail ride, San Bois Mountains. Authentic Chuck wagon dinner provided by Terry Rodebush of the Crossbox Ranch and cowboy poets. The goal is to raise funds for the Clubs programs. The day ride will begin at 10 AM, Saturday, March 22nd and end with a catered chuck wagon dinner, cowboy poetry and singing that evening. Come and ride along with us as we travel through the beautiful foothills of the San Bois Mountains in SE Haskell County. Bring a snack to hold you over till dinner and plenty of water. If your not up to a ride through the mountains you can still come out and support the county’s youth and enjoy some good ol’ down home country cookin’ and entertainment. Call in advance to reserve your spot on the trail or your spot around the campfire! Ride open to EVERYONE OF ALL AGES!! This Ain't No Cow Pasture Ride! It's on Mountain Trails, the terrain is not flat. RESERVATIONS COST Contact: Brandie Henry $25.00 per person 918-945-7218 or 217-649-9936 bayedup@crosstel.net Call For Directions
March 28, 29 & 30 Roman Nose Ride Hills Ride,
March 29-April 6
March 30 & 31 Larry Whitesell Gaited Horsemanship Clinic, Creek
April 4-6 Indian Mounds Horse
April 5 OBHA Horse Show (Oklahoma Buckskin Horse Association), Claremore EXPO, Claremore, OK, ABRA (double judged) and Open/All breed classes (single judged), starts 8 am, contact: Beckie or Ron at Honeck@tds.net or 918-543-6277 for more information. www.oklahomabuckskin.org
April 12-13 Cowboy's Pride Horse Rescue Foundation Benefit trail ride, poker run, and camp out. All proceeds will go to the rescue and rehabilitation of needy horses. Check-in will begin on Saturday at noon and festivities will conclude on Sunday at 1pm. Fees will be $50 per person and earlybird (Before March 15th) registrations will receive a free t-shirt. Family registrations are $100 for up to four family members. Earlybird family registrations only receive one free t-shirt. Bring your own horse or horse rental for the event is $25, but you must have a reservation to rent a horse. More information is available at www.cowboyspride.org
April 17-20 AQHA Region 8 Show,
April 19 Fourth Annual Ride to Save Babies March of
April 23-27 GO Hunter Jumper Association Show,
April 24-27 J-D Annual Spring Mountain Trail Ride Join us for great riding, good food and fun at our Spring Mountain Trail Ride. Contact Jo to make your reservation. There will be a full breakfast Saturday morning, BBQ dinner with entertainment Saturday night and a light breakfast Sunday morning. Don’t forget to bring your favorite dish for the potluck dinner on Friday night. Visit site www.j-dtrailriding.com for information or email Jo at jharrington@j-dtrailriding.com.
April 26 2nd Annual Keystone Regulators Pony Express Race -
26 Benefit Trail Ride for Kids Against Hunger - located at Gloss Mountain Outfitters in NW Oklahoma Cost $10 - includes meal For more info and driving directions go to www.glossmountainoutfitters.com or contact Jacque.
April 26 Spring Pumpkin Roller Charity Gaited Horse Show sponsored by the Pure Pleasure Gaited Horse Association, Creek County Fairgrounds,
April 26-27
June 14-15, 2008 13th Annual City Slickers Trail Ride Sponsored By The Bad Girls Trail Riding Club, Robber’s Cave State Park Friday (June 13th) bring your hotdogs and marshmallows and join us at the campfire. Saturday (June 14th) Cloverleaf ride (OETRA approved mileage). Leaving at 9AM returning to camp at noon for lunch. Afternoon riding out at 2PM and returning about 4:30PM. Saturday evening: 6 p.m. Dinner by the BGTRC BOD and 7 p.m. Karaoke with a Karaoke Contest for Cash Prizes and City Slicker Buckle Raffle ($1/ticket) Breakfast and lunch Saturday can be purchased at a minimal cost from the BGTRC BOD. Sunday (June 15th) on you own!! Registration before June 1st is $25.00 each. Registration after June 1st is $30.00 each. Children under 12 are $10.00. Registration includes camping Fri. & Sat. nights as well as Sat. dinner and entertainment! For information contact: Deb Stowers deb@sierraranchok.com Phone: 918/341-5799 Cell: 918/607-6094 DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS GREAT RIDE! Children under 6 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. ORIGINAL current negative coggins required - No stallions. No alcohol on the trails - Horses should be shod. Check out: http://www.sierraranchok.com/bgtrc/cityslicker.html for flyers and registration forms.
October 4th, 2008 - 2nd Annual Hooves for a Cure Charity Trail Ride, J-D Trail Riding Camp,
Riding Lessons
The Horse/Rider Relationship is Long
By Rick Stowers
Check out Rick’s Riding Lessons at http://www.horsematch.net/Rickstowers.html
The horse and rider relationship may actually be longer than many marriages these days. Horses can live and be productive into the early 30's. The namesake of our ranch was winning 4H ribbons at 29. She was carrying kids on trail rides the summer before the spring that she died. She had a very full life and with the advancement of vet medicine so will your partner. Your horse.
Something to keep in mind is that with dogs, cats, or even ferrets you will replace several of these during the lifetime of your horse. So it is important to make your horse match be the best you can. Going through that long of a time with a bad match would be most difficult.
We hope you enjoy our philosophy and will come visit Sierra Ranch.
Horse Spotlight
Naughty Snow Lady
Naughty Snow Lady is a 2001 chestnut appaloosa gelding. (Yes with a name like that he is a gelding!) He is 14.2 hands (and growing) and about 950 pounds. Lady has been ridden on and off for several of years. Kids and Rick have ridden him in the pasture. We took him on an overnight trail ride and he did well. He stayed in an electric fence and tied to a high line. We have taken him on many day rides and he does wonderfully. He loads, stands for shoes, loves water and bathes and comes when called. He is broke and ready to be trained to do whatever you want. He is a loveable horse, we just have too many. I need to update the website. We thought we had found the perfect place for Lady, but he is back in our pasture, so if you are looking for a great horse please contact us. $3000 or best offer.
Let us know how you liked this issue. And again let us know about what you want to hear about. We want to make this newsletter for our clients, friends, and families. See you out riding!
Deb and Rick Stowers
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