Welcome to the ninth edition of the Sierra Ranch News! I hope everyone is enjoying spring. We have been riding some and have had a few more students join in the fun. We hope to be riding more. Just need the weather to cooperate a bit with the rain.
Tell us what you where you plan on riding this Spring. As you can see from the calendar there are many options on places to ride and things to do. Let us know what information you would like to learn tips on horse keeping, latest horses for sale and any other info you find interesting. As always you can email me and let me know what might interest you to learn about.
Sierra Ranch Logo!
I am still working on our second logo. Folks seem to kinda like the first one. The one I am still working on incorporates all the different aspects of what we do. We have raced, loved to ride, jump, and do performance events. Most of our horses are good at all these things, so we should show this off. The picture can bee seen at the Yahoo Group site at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SierraRanchOK/ or at the Sierra Ranch Multiply site at http://sierraranch.multiply.com/ or at the blog at http://sierraranchok.blogspot.com
Let us know what you think about this logo and shortly we will post the other one for all to critic. Soon we will have set up a CafePress site with stuff to buy. Until then please check out the HorseMatch.net CafePress store. Check out the link: http://www.cafepress.com/horsematch. I am working on getting calendars and posters on the store, probably for next year. You never know whose picture will be on the calendar. We also made some t-shirt at a local t-shirt shop to sell at the ranch. Look for more stuff to come along the way. We want to get our name out and about on the trails around
We will also be updating the websites soon. Something that has needed to be done for awhile. Look for more announcements on this coming soon!
Check this out!
Overcoming Riding Fears
Anyone who has ridden for any length of time would be dishonest if they told you they have never felt fear. If you have any common sense at all, you should have a certain level of “healthy fear” Whenever you get on a new horse. Call it “respect” if you prefer, but there is always an awareness that the 100-pound or so of bone and muscle you are sitting on is, physically, more powerful than you are. To read the whole article, click the link below:
37-Year-Old Horse Closing in on Trail Mileage Record
Pushing the envelope of equine athletic prowess, 37-year-ols half-Arabian Elmer Bandit is gearing up to start yet another competitive trail ride season. In 2007 Elmer’s certified lifetime competitive miles stood at 20,240, nearing the national record of Saddlebred Wing Tempo’s 20,710 miles. To read the whole article, click the link below:
HorseGirlTV is a semi-monthly vidcast hosted by Angelea Kelly Walkup. The show presents international equine sports and equine athletes through entertaining and educational designs. HorseGirlTV focuses on riders, trainers, professional both locally and globally. The format is hip, happening, and always horse related. The show takes the classic world of horses and plugs it into the wired generation. Tune in. Tack up. It’s not what you think! To visit the website, click the link below:
Upcoming Rides and Other Events
It’s time to send in events for the upcoming year. Send them to me or to the link on Oklahoma Horse Online. Many of these came from listing on www.oklahomahorseonline.com. Check it out!
April 23-27 GO Hunter Jumper Association Show,
April 24-27 J-D Annual Spring Mountain Trail Ride Join us for great riding, good food and fun at our Spring Mountain Trail Ride. Contact Jo to make your reservation. There will be a full breakfast Saturday morning, BBQ dinner with entertainment Saturday night and a light breakfast Sunday morning. Don’t forget to bring your favorite dish for the potluck dinner on Friday night. Visit site www.j-dtrailriding.com for information or email Jo at jharrington@j-dtrailriding.com.
April 25-27 AQHA & RSNC Ranch Sorting and Team Penning at the Play Pen Arena in
April 26 2nd Annual Keystone Regulators Pony Express Race -
April 26-27
April 26-27 OAQHA Spring All Novice/Open Saddle Series,
April 26-27 Trail Ride Tune-up,
May 2-7 Territorial Wagon Train, Tecumseh OK at Winding Creek Motorcycle Camp. Neg. Coggins required. Open camping. May 2 Bean supper, bring side dish. May 6 Potluck supper, meat furn. Sun. eve., Wiener roast, everyone contribute. $10 fee incl. parking, water, porta-john. Make advance deposit. One group. Lisa Wright,
May 3 OBHA Horse Show (Oklahoma Buckskin Horse Association), Claremore EXPO, Claremore, OK, ABRA (double judged) and Open/All breed classes (single judged), starts 8 am, contact: Beckie or Ron at Honeck@tds.net or 918-543-6277 for more information. www.oklahomabuckskin.org
May 4 Belle Starr Trail Ride, where the Oklahoma Days began! Ride through the historic
May 10 Clinic at Travis Ranch,
May 10-11 Bell Cow Lake 2008 Trail Work Weekend, Area C at 9:00 a.m. Many of you know the trails at
May 16 & 17 Henryetta’s Jim Shoulders Spring Roundup Rodeo,
May 17 Western Fair Trail Ride, Dinner, Poker Run, Live Auction and Live Entertainment,
May 23-26 Indian Mounds Horse
May 24 (Rain Date: May 26) $1,000 Added 5D Barrel Bash, Choctaw Round Up Club Arena, Choctaw, OK. Exhibitions – 10:00 am, Jackpot 1:00 pm (12 & under 3D runs at 1:00, Open 5D to follow). Entry Fees for Exhibition is $4.00, 12 & under 3D is $15.00 and Open 5D is $25.00. Event details include 80% Payback, 100% payback of added money divided equally between divisions, 5D ½ second splits. NO added money to 12 & Under 3D. No processing fees, tie out fees etc. For more information contact Judy Newby at 405-454-3232 or email Heidi Bruce at HB1618@aol.com.
May 29 Oklahoma Horse Industry Council Meeting, Sportsman’s Country Club, 4000 NW 39,
June 7-8 National Trails Day Robbers Cave Equestrian Trails,
June 14-15 13th Annual City Slickers Trail Ride Sponsored by The Bad Girls Trail Riding Club,
October 4th, 2008 - 2nd Annual Hooves for a Cure Charity Trail Ride, J-D Trail Riding Camp,
Riding Lessons
What Makes a Good Horse
By Rick Stowers
Check out Rick’s Riding Lessons at http://www.horsematch.net/Rickstowers.html
Does your horse shoe easily? Does your horse load in the trailer? Can you catch him to go riding? Can you bathe your horse?
If you can't catch your horse then you are pretty much out of luck on riding or doing anything else. If you can't get your horse to stand for the shoer then you are limited to where or how you can ride him. The same goes with if he won't load into the trailer. Then you are stuck with riding in the pasture or arena that is close by.
One thing that we have found with the ex-race horses is that they will do all these with ease. They are used to doing all of these at the track.
Something to try with the horse you are test riding is to try to stop him from a run in the middle of the pasture. If you can't do this then you might look for another horse. After the exciting ride anyway. :)
We hope you enjoy our philosophy and will come visit Sierra Ranch.
Horse Spotlight
Naughty Snow Lady
Naughty Snow Lady is a 2001 chestnut appaloosa gelding. (Yes with a name like that he is a gelding!) He is 14.2 hands (and growing) and about 950 pounds. Lady has been ridden on and off for several of years. Kids and Rick have ridden him in the pasture. We took him on an overnight trail ride and he did well. He stayed in an electric fence and tied to a high line. We have taken him on many day rides and he does wonderfully. He loads, stands for shoes, loves water and bathes and comes when called. He is broke and ready to be trained to do whatever you want. He is a loveable horse, we just have too many. I need to update the website. We thought we had found the perfect place for Lady, but he is back in our pasture, so if you are looking for a great horse please contact us. $3000 or best offer.
Let us know how you liked this issue. And again let us know about what you want to hear about. We want to make this newsletter for our clients, friends, and families. See you out riding!
Deb and Rick Stowers
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