Sunday, January 11, 2009

The greater price of financial security

To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to sweat over lonely labor, and to be given a chance to create, are the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy - Bette Davis, Actress

Money makes us do crazy things we never thought we would do. A great example of this is staying at a job you dislike or working outside the home when your heart is at home with your family. While money does provide opportunities and liberation from certain stresses in life, unhappiness has a greater price. Let money enrich an already abundant life, not define or run it. Can you re-prioritize your life in a way that you are achieving both financial goals and also fulfilling your dreams? Live the kind of life that excites you to get out of bed in the morning, one of color and joy. If money comes, great. If not, rest assured, knowing that your life is not defined by what you make but what you already have. The best things in life are free!

This is another Healthy Reflection. And a picture that Rick took of me this morning with my next great horse, Third Time. Rick had tried to feed him a carrot and Third Time would not take it from Rick. I had to go into the pasture, break it into pieces, and then he would eat them. Third Time is still learning to eat treats. He loves me and lets me give him kisses. Not sure how it will get on his tall butt, but he does at least stand still and let me on. Nothing like having to have a step, lower the stirrup, AND be boosted to get on your horse. Sure make you not wanna come off though. LOL!

Back to the message above... I would greatly ike to live to meet these goals. I have been trying to get to a point that we could have Rick come home and work the Ranch. It's really difficult to both be working demanding jobs and trying to get the ranch to support itself and one of us. Rick really hates his day job and would be so much easier to be around it he had nothing but the horses to work with. My real job supplies us not only with income, but awesome benefits like insurance. So it will be a while till I get to come home also.

But this is why I have been working so hard to find ways to earn some extra money on the side. I want so bad to make us a great life. To get a happy husband back. To live, love and laugh with those around us. I know it takes hard work and I have been putting some in. Just looking for a bit more of the gravy and loving what I have already.

Here's hoping you have a wonderful week! That you get all the gravy coming to you! And that you enjoy life to the fullest at every moment!

Deb Stowers

Sierra Ranch

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