Thursday, January 24, 2008

Take A Quiz That's All About YOU!

I got this from emails I get. Yes, I get entirely too many emails and am a memeber of too many sites. :P Just thought you all might want to know a bit more about me. If you want to answer the following questions, then add the questionnaire to your blog - with your answers.

1. What time do you get up? 5AM

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be? Don't know. Either Mom or someone famous. Juliette Gordon Lowe.

3. Gold or silver? Gold of course. :)

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? It was so freaking long ago I don't remember. I think it was Lion King. :P

5. What is/are your favorite TV show? Well, it's like this. I don't have time for TV. I suppose the news. All the ones I likes are gone. :(

6. What did you have for breakfast? Diet oatmeal.

7. Who would you hate to be stuck in a room with? The kid's mom. One of us would go to jail. :P

8. What inspires you? The kids. Horses. Helping people.

9. What is your middle name? Kaye

10. Favorite ice cream? Chocolate. Like there is another flavor.

11. Butter, plain or salted popcorn? Butter and salt, but usaully diet.

12. Favorite color? Purple. (Couldn't you tell?)

13. What kind of car do you drive? To work: 1999 Nissan Altima. For play: 1994 One Ton Dually Deisel Dogde. Gots to have the power! After I get to where I play: 1987 dark bay brown TB named Maverick. :)

14. Favorite sandwich? Bolonge, cheese, miricle whip.

16. What characteristic do you despise? Not trying!

17. Favorite flower? Daisy.

18. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? To the mountain with my horse and someone to ride with, perferably hubby. Don't care what mountains. SE OK. MO. CO. Somewhere pretty with no cell phones.

19. What color is your bathroom? Tan and forrest green with crimson carpet. Not my choices. I haven't taken the time to repaint. :P

21. Where would you retire to? Where I am. Claremore, OK

22. Favorite day of the week? Saturday!

23. What did you do for your last birthday? Mom took me to dinner.

24. Where were you born? Oklahoma City, OK

25. Favorite sport to watch? Who has time??? I'd rather be riding. Especially since they don't have eventing on RFD any more. :P

26. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Everyone!

27. Person you expect to send it back first? No One. I think most have done it already at some point in blogging.

28. What fabric detergent do you use? Generic sheets.

29. Coke or Pepsi? Coke.

30. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Moring!

31. What is your shoe size? A true 10.5 M, but most days have to buy an 11. :P

32. Do you have any pets? Let's see... 4 permanent indoor cats, one possible baby cat ( might leave), one Chinchilla, two ferrets (temp residents), one dog (who gets to stay now), 5 outdoor cats (supposed to be barn, but like the garage), 17 horses and four boarding horses. Can I count the hubby and kid?

33. What is your favorite season? Fall. I love Spring, but in Okieland that is flooding season and I am on call. :P I get to rid emore in the Fall.

34. Tea or coffee and what kind? Coffee

35. What color pants are you wearing right now? Army green.

Hope you all enjoy learning a bit more about me. Have fun!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Free Dog to a Good Home!

Not sure how much time I have to get him given away Sooner would be better.

Rick has decided that Bubba must really go. He will take him to the pound, Rick just doesn't know where the pound it. :P

Bubba is part blue heeler, part Austraulian sheppard. He is probably about a year old. He stands about 18" or so and around 40 pounds. (I am not a good judge of dog flesh. He is small for a TB.) :) He has had all his shots, he is nuetered, and housebroken. He has not grown much since we got him in June. He is a dog and Rick has decided we don't need one.

Bubba is trained to voice commands. He will come when called. He loves to play and is great with kids and cats. He loves playing with his hands. His one bad habit: Chewing. I think he is out growing it and I know it is happening less frequently, but he does chew.

If you would like to give Bubba a home please email me and let me know. I have attached a few picutres or you can go to and see more pictures.

Deb Stowers
More contact info on the website.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

My Chirstmas Present!

OK, so this is not a picture of my Christmas present. :)

Allyson (kid no. 3) is now officially ours. Her mom signed the papers on Christmas and the judge finalized everything on January 2.

One of the first things Allyson asked for was a rat. EEWWW! I was negotiating for a little white mouse when one of the interns said she had chinchillas that she was giving away. So, we investigated and researched and brought home a Chinchilla to add to the zoo. The kid is beside herself. I think the Chinchilla would be happier if the cats would not hang out at her cage. But she is adjusting well to the zoo.

Allyson is adjusting to living at our house. She is having to do some things for herself that she did not do at Mom's, but she is getting the routine. She is being a big help by feeding the horses when she gets home from school. I figure the least I could do for a bit is make sure her clothes are washed and put up. We will transition into the more independent thing. I think that part is real new to her.

Well, better get back to the real job. Have a great week!

First Picture of the Grandkid!

As some of you remember from past blogs we gained custody of the No. 2 kid just after her mom married her to a pretty nice kid. We actually did gain custody of Ashley, but since she is married Justin really has custody.

Being 16 and 18 birth control was not something they were both thinking about. DUH! So shortly after marrying the silly couple found out they were pregnant. Great! Just what every young couple needs.

One of our boarders is their OB/GYN and got permission to give this to Rick for Christmas. Course if you look closely you will see why! It is still in the womb and has Ashley's attitude. They keep referring to the baby as a girl, and Michelle (pleading patient/doctor privileges) will not confirm. The kids don't ever seem to be around long enough to officially ask, so I guess we can assume. And being the not so excited stepparent I think the silly grandkid is due in June. Probably around City Slickers, but not like I wanna be there.

There was a reason I didn't have kids. I think Ashley will figure that out. Don't mind spoiling it as long as I don't have to touch the silly thing until it talks. I will add more stuff later. Just knew folks were thinking about this and wanting an update. NOT!

Happy New Year!