Saturday, September 27, 2008

Whispers of Wisdom

Get a leg up Deborah, and release me to run today! I will move heaven and earth to create our perfect run for the day.
You? All you need to do is your all out best with today....hanging on, smiling and believing that each decision takes you into the creation of your future. Make it a bright one!

Hop on and let's ride!

Whispers of Wisdom from a Horse's Heart from
I get these emails each day.  Reading through the hundreds I got behind on this week I found this one.  Might fitting.  I can picture Maverick telling me this.  :)  And I know Rick has said this to me a time or two.  :) 
Rick and I are celebrating our 11th anniversery today.  And they said it wouldn't last.  :P  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  More tomarrow!

Cool ride for help with rescue horses!

Check out the link to the National Rescue Ride Org in the article below.  It looks pretty cool.  Thing is you need to register by OCT. 1 and must do it online.  They will not be taking registration at the rides.  (That is interesting, but from a different way for me...)  And the best part is there are 7 pages of organizations and rides all over the US.  So there should be one near everyone! 
As every horse person knows there is not enough money to help every horse.  This is an awesome way to ride (or walk) and raise money to help support our rescue organizations in this time of great need.  Even if you can't attend an event, find someone to sponser.  Visit a rescue's website near you and donate online.  Every little bit helps a horse that needs the help.  And no, I am not a part of any of these rescue organizations.  This is just a cause that we at Sierra Ranch belive very strongly about.  We have adopted horses.  We don't want to see any horse suffer and know we can't save them all.  It take ALL of the horse people to do that.
Just something intersting I came across while reading email, which I am wwwwaaaayyy behind on again.  :)  Have a great Sat.  I get to sit here and get caught up with evertything.
Deb in Claremore, OK
Blaze's Tribute Equine Rescue is hosting a Walk/Ride at Lake Carl Blackwell on Sunday, October 19, 2008 with the National Rescue Ride.  Flyer is attached.  How it works is, you register with NRR at, and pick our organization to ride with.  The cost is $20.00 to ride, that money benefits National Rescue Ride, you will receive a T-Shirt and instructions of how to get sponsors.  Sponsorship money goes to Blaze's Equine Rescue.  Once you are registered, the rider/walker needs to get Sponsorship money in order to Benefit Blaze's Tribute Equine Rescue.  Remember even $10. Of sponsorship money is more than we had, so every little bit helps.  We plan to have merchandise available for sale, a continental breakfast and lunch provided for donations, and for a little fun on the trail, we will have a Poker Run.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Taking the more difficult road to success

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
- Unknown
Cheating to get ahead might get you the grade or promotion, but in the long run it really sets you back. Intelligence, creativity, hard work, and solid character–the things that propel you forward–are not fostered by taking the easy way out. You don't earn anything by short-cutting your work. You're only cutting your potential short. Sure you might feel relieved that a stressful task has passed, but an undeserving sense of relief doesn't compare to the gratification of knowing that you completed your own work. If something in your life is difficult, meet it head on and earn the satisfaction of earning a job well done–with honesty and integrity.


This is yet another Healthy Reflection.  Somehow today it seemed rather fitting.  There are things going on in my life that make me think of this.  There really are no shortcuts.


We are ramping up to a wonderful fall of riding.  We hope that you are too.  We will be at the Octiva Hooves for a Cure Ride.  We hope to see you there!  Come help us raise money for breast cancer research!


Our next ride will be the Halloween Ride.  I will have to come up with something for Allyson to be this year.  Should be an interesting time for all.


Well, I best get back to the job that pays the bills.  Hope everyone has a woderful weekend!

Deb Stowers

Saturday, September 20, 2008

1995 CM 3 Horse Bumper Pull Trailer - Price Reduced!

1995 CM 3 horse bumper pull trailer for sale.  You can see the pictures at the either of the sites above.  $5000.  $4499.  Recuded on Sept. 20, 2008.
The trailer is big enough for three TB's.  The gross weight without horses is 8112 pounds (according to the title).  It has on board 12V power. The dressing room is roomy, just not quite big enough for sleeping.  Unless you are a kid.  :)  Three kids have slept in it quite comfortably.  It has a great tack room in the back that holds three saddles, a blanket bar, hooks for bridles and tack, and even a tack box on the door.  It has drop down windows on the heads and bus windows on the butts.  Great tires.  Nice trailer brakes.  The onboard battery has a solar charger. 


I have not been able to find a trailer exactly like this on the internet.  All the ones I found were stock on the butt side with no tack room in the back.  And ones not quite this nice were going for this much.  It's a sturdy trailer with lots of miles left to go.  

Call or email Rick (918/688-0665 or for more information or to set a time to come look at it. 
Deb and Rick Stowers

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finding victory in the small stuff

The future comes one day at a time.

- Dean Acheson

Do your dreams seem far away? Does the distance between you and the finish line deflate your motivation? Often we forget that goals and dreams are not achieved overnight, but rather in a series of small steps. Progress towards your goals should also be counted as victorious! Stop looking at the end result to bring you the greatest joy. Instead, celebrate the ways in which your life is gravitating towards that desired result. Nothing is guaranteed in life, so make the most of each day and persevere. Remember that the small things in life build up to the bigger ones.

This is a Healthy Reflection that totally hit home with some things going on in our world recently. I know I haven't sent something like this in a while, but time has been short. I am just taking time to do this today. :P

This weekend we will be going to Rick's family reunion in (of all places) Mobile, AL. Yeah, during hurricane season on the danged beach. Luckily (or not) Ike decided to bypass Mobile so we will be on the road on Thurs. and return home on Sun. I have met his Dad and one brother, so this should be really interesting. Allyson is coming with. Not sure about Aaron. But the older two are busy with their lives.

We are actively working on making the ranch a working ranch. Rick so wants to quit his real job and only work with the horses. We are slowly getting to that point. This weekend I will take the lap top and work on the buisness plan, new Seirra Ranch web site, and the million of other things that I need to do to get this further down the road. Soon, we will need to LLC the operation. Occassionally on here you will see some things that might help with your ranch operations. Let me know what you think of them.

Rick teased me about the life coach post. :) He of course thinks my horse has lots more to teach me and I need to just spend more time with him. Man, I wished it really worked that way. Third Time is so funny. I have been trying to get him to warm us to us. Now when he sees me coming out to the pasture he comes running to me, since I have been using treats to get him to warm up. LOL! This past weekend he came and sould have put his head in the birdle I had for Maverick if I had just left it there long enough for him to figure it out. I have rode Third Time once. I need to ride him some more, but have this terrible fear of riding in the pasture and feel that since Mav doesn't give a flying flip if I am scared then it's better to ride him and get me unscared of the pasture riding. Then I will take on the new challenge of the new horse (Third Time). Oh, what I would give for some dry weather and a nice trail ride. :)

Well, best get back to work. Got lots to do before I leave. Hope you and yours are well. wishing you all a wonderful weekend!

Check out

Friday, September 5, 2008

You Know You're A Horse Person When...

* Your 5 year old son picks up your snaffle bit and asks if he can use your hand cuffs.

* You insist to your SO during a game of Scrabble that "oxer" is, too, a word, even if it ISN'T in the dictionary, and spend a good half-hour poring over horse books to find it in writing.

* You're at the post office looking at the Santa and his Reindeer cutouts on the wall, and you make a mental note that all the reindeer are hanging their knees and they better get better form if they're going to continue this jumping thing!

* You take someone's temperature and think 102°F is normal.

* If you find yourself drumming horse gaits with your fingers.

* If you will memorize a complete dressage test, but can't remember three important names for your history test.

* The real estate agent asks what kind of house you are looking for and you say "More than six acres".

* You find yourself analyzing leg and foot conformation on your friends, and thinking how corrective shoeing could improve their way of going.

* You can be too sick to go to school but you're never too sick to go riding.

* You can't for the life of you remember the word "heel". That thing on the bottom of your leg that joins it to your foot is called a "hock".

* You get out of bed at 4 am to get ready for a show but can't wake up in time for school.

* You realize that finding a horse shoe truly is lucky because you've saved ten bucks.

* You accept My Space friends instantly if they have a picture of a horse in their profile.

* You see a girl wearing a pair of high-heeled, pointy-toed fashionable boots and when she tells you how much they cost you say,"Wow, you could have bought a nice pair of REAL boots for that!"

* You end up driving your friends everywhere because your big truck can fit them all.

* You've had to explain to said friends what some of the objects in your truck are; "That's a hoofpick..." "Umm, those leather strips are reins..."

* You've answered your cell phone while riding before and had to tell someone, "Hold on a second, my horse is being a brat".

* You can't understand why people can talk about cars for hours, but someone asks about your horse and you can't shut up

* You frequently have to explain things to your non-horsey friends; "No, a pony is NOT a baby horse"; "A farrier has nothing to do with
faeries";"When I said I was training a stud, I meant a horse, stupid!"

* Your friend comes over to watch the Olympics and wants to watch swimming, and you say,"No! David O'Conner just took the oxer and is on his way to the triple combination! " and your friend looks at you like you are crazy.

* None of your friends bother to ask you to the mall on the weekends because you know you'll say, "Are you crazy?! I'm going riding."

* You cluck to your friends, dogs, pets, car, ect. to make them go faster.

* In the kitchen, instead of saying "excuse me" you poke you spouse in the ribs and say "over"

* Your spouse can track dirt into the house all they want, but God help them if they muddy up the tack room.

* you explain to your child's pediatrician that you knew the child was sick because he was off his feed.

* you stop channel surfing at Budweiser Clydesdale commercials.

* You're laughing right now because you know these are true!
Enjoy at bit of Friday funnies!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Deb Stowers


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Life Coach: Do You Need One?

There is a certain point in time when a person becomes dissatisfied with his or her life. He or she might be thinking that there is something more for him or her out there. It could be about the job, about love, about financial disposition or about life in general. If you feel this way then you may be in need of a life coach.

Life Coach and Life Coaching

A life coach is the same as a baseball coach, a basketball coach or a football coach. The coaches teach and train the players to change faulty habits, develop and improve so that they may become better players. A life coach is similar to them. He or she coaches people to change faulty habits, develop and improve the different aspects of their lives for them to determine and achieve their goals in life.

Life coaching is the process of developing and improving a person’s life. It is a partnership between a client and a coach for a certain period of time. The partners will have sessions that will focus on the client’s needs and other issues.

Through these sessions, the life coach will help the client develop different strategies and solutions to improve. This is an interaction between two persons and it is not only the life coach who will be making the decisions. The client will be actively involved especially in the decision making process.

Why Do You Need Life Coaching

The point in time when you want change (as have been mentioned in the beginning) can quickly come and go. But this will be recurring from time to time which can become a bother. So what are you going to do about it? Is it okay to let this happen for the rest of your life? Is it okay not to do anything about it?

Is it okay to feel dissatisfied? With a life coach, you will be given a helping hand that will guide you to take that big leap and change for the better. He or she will be there to aid in determining the right path for you to take to improve and feel satisfied with your life.

Benefits of Having A Life Coach

A life coach will help you ponder on what you want, why you want it, and how you can achieve it. He or she will aid you in taking the steps from where you are now to where you want to be. A life coach will give encouragement and provides support, confidence as well as motivation for you to achieve your goals.

Will You Really Benefit From It

Anyone can benefit from life coaching. It does not matter where you are or who you are, for as long as you want changes and improvements in your life, you will benefit from having a life coach.

Life coaches have been effective when it comes to the different aspects of life. This includes financial success, career, health, personal skills & confidence, happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment. It all depends on you on what aspect of your life you need help with.


So do you really need a life coach? The only one who can answer this now is yourself. The basics of life coaching and life coaches have laid down before you and it is up for you to decide whether you need a life coach or not.

We all need some direction at times in our lives. Doesn’t matter your age or position in life, a coach can help you determine better where to go next. I hope you enjoyed this introduction to the subject. If you would like to learn more about life coaching Click Here!

Deb Stowers
Seirra Ranch, Claremore, OK

Monday, September 1, 2008

1995 CM 3 Horse Bumper Pull Trailer - For Sale

1995 CM 3 horse bumper pull trailer for sale.  You can see the pictures at the site above.  $5000. 
The trailer is big enough for three TB's.  The gross weight without horses is 8112 pounds (according to the title).  It has on board 12V power. The dressing room is roomy, just not quite big enough for sleeping.  Unless you are a kid.  :)  Three kids have slept in it quite comfortably.  It has a great tack room in the back that holds three saddles, a blanket bar, hooks for bridles and tack, and even a tack box on the door.  It has drop down windows on the heads and bus windows on the butts.  Great tires.  Nice trailer brakes.  The onboard battery has a solar charger. 

I have not been able to find a trailer exactly like this on the internet.  All the ones I found were stock on the butt side with no tack room in the back.  And ones not quite this nice were going for this much.  It's a sturdy trailer with lots of miles left to go.  
Call or email Rick (918/688-0665 or for more information or to set a time to come look at it. 
Deb and Rick Stowers