Monday, May 26, 2008

Last Week for City Slicker Discount!

You are invited to the 2008 City Slicker Trail Ride. This ride will be held at Robber’s Cave State Park just north of Wilburton, OK on June 13-15. Please note the change of location from last year.

On Friday (June 13th) bring your hotdogs and marshmallows and join us at the campfire for some good ole wienie roast fun. We can meet and make new friends or just catch up on what’s going on with the current ones.

On Saturday (June 14th) the Board of Directors will be doing all the cooking. We will be serving breakfast consisting for $3/person around 7AM.

The Cloverleaf ride with OETRA approved mileage will be leaving at 9AM returning to camp at noon for lunch. Upon your return, the BOD will be serving lunch of hamburgers or hot dogs with chips, dessert and lemonade or tea for $3/person or $5 for a mega meal of hamburger and two hotdogs.

An afternoon ride will leave out at 2 PM and returning about 4:30 PM. This will get you to camp in time to clean up for a wonderful night of dining and dancing with maybe some singing thrown in for fun.

Dinner is included in the ride fee and begins at 6 PM. We will be having the following: chopped brisket, smoked sausage, and chicken with baked beans, corn, bread, dessert and lemonade or tea. We promise plenty of mouth-waterin’ , lip-smackin’, home-cooked food that will make you want to take a nap – but you won’t, because right after dinner will be our famous karaoke singing contest with a cash prize!!! Eat till you drop and then sing your heart out!

Course we will also be raffling off the wonderful City Slicker belt buckle. Tickets will cost $1/each or 6 tickets for $5. We have had a fantastic time with the raffle. You never know what will happen at one of our rides.

Sunday (June 15th) is a do your own thing day. We hope to break the cycle and not have rain, but you never know.

Below is a link to a pre-registration form. In an attempt to have a better count of who will attend the ride we are pushing pre-registration this year. As in year’s past you pay $25 until June 1st and $30 afterwards. We have a $10 rate for children 12 and under. As always this includes camp fees for Friday and Saturday night as well as dinner on Saturday. You can use this form for the whole family. We will add your horse information when you check in.

Click on the link to go to the website with the registration form and flyer!

Buy your City Slicker t-shirt in advance at CafePress. Follow the link to the store:


We just have a few ride rules:

  • Children under 6 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.
  • ORIGINAL current negative coggins required.
  • No stallions.
  • No alcohol on the trails.
  • Horses should be shod as the trails are rocky.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Check out this article...

I wanna be able to do this. I think my commute is too long. These kids go to the same school that Allyson does. Wouldn't this be too cool?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Defining Horse and Rider

This was just too funny to not post!

The Riders:

Natural Horsemanship devotee looks like a throwback from a Texas ranch, despite the fact that he grew up in the suburbs of NJ. Rope coiled loosely in hand (don't want to send any messages of tension, after all in case he needs to herd any of those kids on roller blades away from his/her F-350 dually in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Cowboy hat is strategically placed, and just soiled enough to be cool. Wranglers are well worn, with that little wrinkle above the instep of the ropers, and lots of dust, well, you know, from the round pen on the lower legs.

Dressage Queen is freshly coifed. Not even she remembers her own hair color, but she has taken great pains to ensure that Rolfe, the hairdresser, makes the perm and highlights look "natural." Diamond studs are elegant and stately, and not so large that they blind the judge during the entire passage-piaffe tour. $30 denim jumper worn over $300 full seat white breeches and Koenigs.

Hunter/Jumper competitor is in an aqua polo and those breeches whose color could be compared to, um, well, okay, let's say they're khaki. The polo is so that folks will think they're a jumper rider until they put on their shirt and stock tie. Baseball cap is mandatory after a ride, in order to provide free advertising to that trainer's stable for whom they shell over a mere grand or so per month, and to hide "helmet head."
Eventer is slightly hunched over. This could be from carrying three saddles, three bridles, three bits, and all related color coordinated gear to every event, or it could possibly be a defensive posture where he/she is
unconsciously protecting his/her wallet, which is, of course, nearly empty from buying three saddles, three bridles, three bits and all related color coordinated gear. Looked down on by the H/J's as "people who just run their horses at fences" and by the DQ's as "not real dressage riders." Eventers are smugly convinced that they are in fact the only people in the horse world who CAN ride, since the H/J's don't jump real fences and the DQ's don't ride real horses.

Endurance Addict is wearing lycra tights in some neon color. Has not read the rule that lycra is a privilege, not a right. The shinier, the better, so that they can find her body when her mount dumps her down (another)
ravine. Wearing hiking sneakers of some sort and a smear of trail dirt on the cheek. Sporting one of the zillions of t-shirts she got for paying $75 to complete some other torturous ride. Socks may or may not match (each other).

Backyard Rider can be found wearing (in summer) shorts and bra, (in winter) flannel nightgown, buck boots, down jacket. Drives a Ford Tempo filled with dirty blankets and dog hair. Usually has deformed toes on the right foot from being stepped on in the Wal-Mart sneakers that are worn for riding. Roots need touching up to hide the grey. 2-horse bumperpull behind barn willed with sawdust/hay. Can be found trying to teach her horse to come in the kitchen to eat so she doesn't have to walk all the way to the barn.

The Horses

Rusty is the quintessential NH mount. Rescued from a situation where he was never initiated in the NH ways, he's learned to run down his owners at
feeding time, knock children from his back under low hanging branches, and could even spit like a camel if provoked. The embezzlement has never been proven. The hospitalization tally for his handlers was twelve until he met Spherical Sam. After twelve minutes in the round pen, he is teaching algebra to high school freshmen, speaks three languages fluently, and can put on his own splint boots (with Spherical Sam's trademark logo embossed clearly).

Fleistergeidelsprun dheim ("Fleistergeidel" for short) is an 18-hand warmblood who was bred to make Grand Prix in a European nation where his breeders are still laughing hysterically when they talk about 'zat crazy American.' Despite being runty, his owner fell in love with his lofty gaits, proud carriage and tremendous athleticism. Never mind that this talent was not revealed until he was chased down by a rabid raccoon, and has not been repeated since. Has been injured 16 times in the last year, preventing his move to PSG at age 6, despite living in a 20' x 20' padded stall and providing family supporting wages to a groom whose chief job duty is "don't let him get hurt!"

Neverbeenraced is a prime example of an American Thoroughbred. The coat is deep bay, no markings, the textbook TB head, and no unusual conformational characteristics. Perfect, just perfect. Overcame a near fatal flat in his H/J career when he learned that the plants in the jumps are NOT real, and therefore did not require him to stop and taste. Has learned to count strides all by himself, and asks in midair which lead his mistress would like today.

Fastnhighasican is a Thoroughbred track reject who never won a single race - perfect eventer! He has two speeds, gallop and stopndump, and they are used, at his discretion, for all three phases of eventing, although he has some creative variations of gallop to spice up that boring dressage. There is the gallopdowncenterlin eandrear, the gallopdepartandbuck , the extendedoutofhandga llop, and, a favorite among spectators, the gallopzigzagpirouet te in which the gallop is performed entirely while hopping on his hind legs. His favorite phase is cross-country where all obstacles regardless of size are jumped at the height of 5.5 feet, and because that is where he gets to employ his personal favorite movement, the stopndump. This is the most fun when performed at cross-country water obstacles where his person invariably stands up soaking wet with murky, smelly water and threatens to sell him to Fleistergeidel' s owner while he follows up with another fun gallop variation, the imfreeandyoucantcat chmegallop, another crowd-pleaser.

Al Kamar Raka Shazaam was often called "you bastard" until he found an other as hyper as he, an endurance addict. Can spook at a blowing leaf, spin a 360 and not lose his big trot rhythm or give up an inch to the horse behind him. Has learned to eat, drink, pee and drop to his resting pulse rate on command. Has compiled 3,450 AERC miles, with his rider compiling 3,445 - those five miles being the ones he was chased down the trail after performing his trademark 360 turn, without said aforementioned rider.

Snook'ums is the backyard rider's horse. Big head; stride of a gerbil. Duct tape holding shoe on until farrier gets out next month. Has a little Quarter, Arab, Standardbred, Tennessee Walker, Shetland blood. Mane cut with scissors straight across. He's been there so long she forgot how she got him or where he came from. Frequently seen ambling around the yard. Been known to join family picnics on the back porch.

Frequently Overheard

NH Devotee - "Well, shucks ma'am, tweren't nuthin'!" "It's simple horsemanship. " "With this special twirly flickitat'em rope ($17.95 plus tax), you'll be roundpenning like me in no time." "You silly human, that just ain't natural for a horse."

Dressage Queen - "On no, he's hurt again?!" "The check is in the mail." To Herr Germanlastname: "Can't you tune up those one tempis for me?" To the groom: "Get me that mounting block - can't you see my nails are still wet?" To the show manager: "That footing has ruined my chances at Olympic Gold in 2000, I'll have you know." and "What were you thinking, stabling me next to that nobody? That horse could be 'diseased'?" To anyone who will listen: "When I had dinner with Hilda / Lendon / Robert..."

H/J Competitor - "Did you tell Neverbeenraced how many strides between fence four and fence five - I can never remember!" "Is my butt sticking out enough when I post?" "Oh no, I can't jump 2'6", my trainer will KILL me!" "I can't wait to do jumpers with Neverbeenraced - then we can wear one of those tasseled ear covers!"

Eventer - "I broke my collarbone/ribs/ ankle again last week, but I'll be fine for the jog-up tomorrow." "How do you get pond water out of saddle leather?" "Did you see our show jumping where Fastnhighasican bounced the two stride combination? " "Did you see our final gallopdowncenterlin eandrear? I think he is finally starting to relax in dressage." "Oh, it's just a little concussion. Have you seen my horse?"

Endurance Addict - "Anyone have Advil?" "Anyone have food? I think last year's Twinkies finally went bad." "For this pain, I spend money?" "Oh, I never bring hay or water to the vet checks - there's always plenty around." "Quick, quick, did you look, was his pee okay?" "Shazaam, you bastard - it's just a leaf [thud]!"

Backyard Rider - "It's too hot/cold/wet/ dry to ride." "I used to show." "Where's my Metamucil?" "Has anyone seen Snook'ums? Last I saw he was across the road in the cornfield." "Here's a picture of Snook'ums when he was 43 years young!" "Snook'ums stop slobbering on me."

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Man What a Weekend... Partially Glad It's Over... Just Still Need to Relax!!!

It's been kinda weird around here. I get rid of one obligation and dang it if all hell breaks loose on every other front. A girl can't win for losing.

Work has been absolutely impossible. I have two engineers and need that third one really bad. And it won't quit raining. We are all over worked to the freaking max. I have not even had time to read email at lunch. I am still 350+ behind. I am just hoping to sometime get caught up. I do at least keep pretty caught up at work, but between a special project and the rain I have not had time to do the stuff I am suppose to do. Just the special stuff. It never ends.

I have been trying to update Rick's website and not getting anywhere. I need a clone. There are just not enough hours in a day.

Allyson let us know Monday (5/5) that she had an 8th grade prom on Friday (5/9). I mentioned this to my office assistant and she had the perfect dress. Rick was amazed that my office assistant would have clothes to fit Allyson. I added all her pictures to the albums. She is so funny. She thought the dance was at 6PM at school. It was at 7PM at the community center. Needless to say we spent some time at Sonic before the dance this time. There just wasn't any point in driving home and then coming back. She was bouncing off the walls. Partially cuz of the dance. Partially cuz of the pretty pink electric scooter Rick bought her earlier in the day. She has been scooting around our neck of the woods in her new pink riding helmet. The scooter doesn't go very fast so I figured the riding helmet would work. And it being pink makes it more likely that she will wear it.

Also this weekend Ashley had her baby shower. She said she sent us an invitation, but we never got it. Somehow, Allyson thought I wouldn't want to go. I keep telling them I don't mind buying stuff, just don't wanna raise the silly thing. Allyson and I went to Wal-Mart and bought lots of pink stuff. Even bought some practical stuff, and not exactly the same stuff that others bought. Justin's mom has bought lots and folks from her work were at the party. It was at Justin's grandparents house. They bought lots of cool stuff too.

I talked to Justin's family after the party. This was the first time I had gotten to meet them. Ashley had not talked to us since her birthday. She was kinda irritated with us cause we put her ferrets into the garage. Allyson was getting sick living with them and it was getting warm. Before the end of that weekend Ashley had come to get the ferrets and cat. Over the past couple of weeks the kids finally got to move into a duplex, so they will be living on their own when the baby comes.

And there's even new on the impending arrival. Michelle set the date. Rain Elizabeth will arrive on May 29 if she doesn't come out sooner. Just not something I am looking forward to. But this too will pass. OMG, I am so NOT ready for grandparenthood. I guess what makes it worse if that I know the kids are SO NOT ready for parenthood. They still don't have the whole being married thing down, but not much I can do about that. Gotta live by the saying: Let go, Let God!

And you are probably wondering shy that very pretty palomino is doing at the top. That is Argo. She was my first horse. Rick gave her to me on our first date. I rode her on and off for several years. I have 10 stitches in one leg from riding her. That was mostly my fault. I was riding in shorts. She had been real good in to hitting my legs. One July 4th, it was so hot I just had to ride in shorts. She picked a weird way around a stump and I got slashed. continued up the mountain, back down the mountain, loaded up camp, and drove home before getting stitches. I forgave her for that one. We continued riding on and off. I rode her one last time in August 2005. This time I got 11 stitches from her not listening to me and powering through a tree with a stub. It's just not good when you look down and see a blood stain the size of a half-dollar. I walked her home and got someone to take me to the emergency room. She was a wonderful pasture ornament. Great lead mare. Perfect pet. I took her to the All Ladies Ride in August 2006 and Argo made Amanda fall in love. I have never seen anyone fall so head over heals for a horse before. Amanda and Argo were a wonderful match. All that came to an end on Thursday evening (5/8/2008). Argo and her pasture mates got out of the pasture. They were hit by a truck. Her pasture mates were dead when they found them. I was told that Amanda got to tell Argo good by one last time before Argo had to put down for a broken leg. Argo, George, and Cowboy were put to rest in Amanda's pasture. I haven't told the kids. Argo is one of the first horses that each of them rode at one time or another. Needless it has been really hard to keep up a good front knowing one of my best friends was laid to rest Friday morning. Just one more thing that adds undue stress. Needless to say Maverick and Sarge got lots of carrots this weekend. You can see more pictures of Argo here:

I hope you all have a wonderful week! I am hoping mine will get better, but there is rain in the forecast. I need some decompression time somehow.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Reasons Not to Assault a Ranch Woman

Copied from an email. Applies to a lot of my friends here. I know my co-workers are not gonna mess with me after telling them of tales on the ranch. :)

Violence does not scare us. We ride 1,500 pound horses and stare down an alley full of mad, snot-slinging cows that weigh over 800 pounds. We've held down calves that outweigh you by four times.

Don't try to intimidate us. Most of our husbands stand a head and shoulders taller, outweigh us by 100 pounds and we aren't scared of them. Why would be we be frightened by someone who can't keep their pants up?

Every time we work cows, our husbands threaten us if we don't get out of the gate. They threaten us if we don't stay in the gate. We are pretty much not impressed by threats. Plus, if you get much closer we may give you some threats of our own to consider and be able to back it up.

Don't wave that knife at me, boy. I castrate when we brand, throw the 'mountain oysters' on the fire AND eat them, dirt and all. You probably don't want to go there.

Don't threaten to steal my pickup. I work for a living, so have insurance.

The chances of you being able to drive a standard are next to none and there is no spare. I've walked home from the back side of the ranch, I can walk from here.

You want my purse? Take my purse. It has little money in it because, as I mentioned, I work for a living.

You will find various receipts for feed and vet supplies, some dried up gum and the notice for my next teeth cleaning.

The only 'drugs' you will find is something that is either aspirin or a calf scours pill but its been in there so long I've forgotten which it is.

Don't threaten to hurt me. I may look old and fragile to you, but I can ride horseback for 12 hours, with nothing to eat or drink. I have been kicked, bucked off, run over and mucked out.

I've had worse things happen to me in the corrals than you have experienced in the little gang wars you've been through, and still cooked supper for a crew.

You may whip me, son, but you'll be a tired, sore S.O.B. in the morning and yes, I will remember your face because I am used to knowing which calf belongs to which cow.

I'll also remember which direction you went and what you were wearing because I've tracked many a cow with less information than you've given me.

You are not going to scare me with that little 'Saturday Night Special' when I have a .38 in my boot.

You need not think I won't shoot you. I've shot several coyotes and numerous rattlesnakes.

I put down my horse when he broke his leg and shot my pet dog when he killed some sheep. Don't think I won't consider you a rabid dog and go on my way.

Written by: Welda McKinley Grider was raised by a ranch woman and knows many
and would pity the thug that tried to rob them.