Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ride this inspiring roller coaster... at no cost!

Do you feel like you're riding on a roller coaster in life?


You know... lots of ups, and even more downs... and you can never control exactly what's going to happen when?


Well, what if I could offer you a way, not to get OFF the roller coaster (and you'll know why you don't want to get off in a few minutes), but a way to actually ENJOY the roller coaster, just like it really was a fun carnival ride?


Yes, that's right... the secret to dealing with the roller coaster of life (knowing how to ride it for all it's worth and have FUN while you're doing it) is the most powerful gift I could give you right now.


And I'm about to give it to you, here!


This gift is an incredibly enlightening talking e-book called "The Secrets of Manifesting", and one of the most profound things I learned from it is how to throw your hands in the air and say, "Wheee!" even when you think life is dealing you a hard blow.


Trust me, you've got to hear it for yourself!


You'll also discover how to manifest anything you want, faster and easier; why your relationships are like mirrors, and how to deal with the reflection; how to power up your meditation sessions so they bring you more amazing benefits than ever before; how to get the Universe to obey your every command; and much more!


It's over an hour of pure, no-holds-barred riveting content that will make you gasp in wonder and smile over a-ha moments.


And yes, it's free... but only for a limited time.


Grab your copy now by clicking here!





P.S. I know that sometimes you get discouraged over manifestation techniques you've tried, and principles you've learned.  Sometimes things just don't seem to work out the way you want them to, right?

Well, this talking e-book explains to you why it doesn't, and how to overcome that.  It truly lives up to its name, "The Secrets of Manifesting".


So if you think you've tried everything, just do yourself a favor and get this free talking e-book now!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Friesians Are Coming!

The Friesians are coming, and I can hardly wait!  These are the big, black, slinky light draft-type horses, often seen in dressage or exhibitions, and full of fire and personality - and tomorrow at 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific, we'll get to "virtually" meet them!

Fast Track signup:

The Virtual Parade of Breeds is a free teleconference/webinar that you can join, view and listen to for free.  Attendees are able to watch and listen to the show online, and it will replay if you aren't able to attend the live event.

We're spotlighting Brenda and Tim Johnson of Excalibur Breeding, from Deerwood MN, talking about the Friesian horse, looking at pictures of their Friesians and Friesian crosses, and even if you have one, I guarantee you'll learn something about the breed you didn't know before.

Fast Track signup:

Plus, if you breed or promote Friesians, you're qualified to get a free listing in the handout!  You may also upgrade to the One-Time registration, for less than the cost of a pizza, and never have to sign up for the rest of the Parade of Breeds series.  If you're a breeder/promoter, you get an enhanced listing as well.

Got a friend that should see this?  Forward it on-they'll appreciate it!
Happy Trails!
Deb and Rick Stowers
Only 200 Conscientious Equestrians Will Ever Be Able To Say They Are This.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

American Drum Horse

What weighs most of a ton, is black and white all over, and feathered?  No, it's not some kind of giant, prehistoric bird - it's a new American horse breed - The American Drum Horse!

Inspired by the horses that DO carry the huge kettle drums in royal parades and ceremonies for England and some European countries, Americans are now breeding American Drum Horses for their own use.
Fast Track signup:
You're invited to join the First-Ever Virtual Parade of Breeds at as we explore the world of the American Drum Horse on October 15, at 8pm Eastern, 7pm Central, 6pm Mountain, 5pm Pacific.  This is an online slideshow and tele-cast - and 100% free to join!

Plus, if you breed or promote American Drum Horses, you're qualified to get a free listing in the handout!  You may also upgrade to the One-Time registration, for less than the cost of a pizza, and never have to sign up for the rest of the Parade of Breeds series.  If you're a breeder/promoter, you get an enhanced listing as well.
Fast Track signup:
Got a friend that should see this?  Forward it on-they'll appreciate it!

Happy Trails!
Deb and Rick Stowers
Only 200 Conscientious Equestrians Will Ever Be Able To Say They Are This.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Don't waste your energy on worrying

Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.

- Anonymous
Too many of us worry about things that we cannot change. Although worrying gives you something to focus on, there are more productive ways to spend your time. Instead of worrying about the things you cannot control, remind yourself that worrying doesn't bring change. If it is a situation that you can control, then there is no reason to worry! Find a solution and spend your energy fulfilling it. If nothing else, just talk to someone about your concerns. Getting them out in the open tends to help put your mind at ease.
This is another SparkPeople's Healthy Reflections.  I guess you should know by now why I read them everyday.  Or at least try to.  The 17 yo was worrying a lot the first week she was here.  This week she just has been making our lives mirseable.  You know it's bad when the 15 yo wants to kick her out.  :P  Just reinforces the Let Go Let God approach.
We have our first all day visitation today.  I have no idea if Ashley is looking forward to it or not.  She is pulling the not be at home much when her dad and I are home thing.  She was home some yesterday, but according to her sister, so annoying noone could stand her.  We will see how this goes.  Rain is to be here from 9AM to 9PM.  Should make for an interesting day.  Justin is to come and go riding with Rick and others.  Can you say FUN?  NOT!
On a brighter note, we may take Rain to see my mom.  Mom has not gotten to see Rain in person.  And I have not seen my new little brother.  Don't Panick.  This is not something you will see on the news.  :)  My mom and stepdad adopted an Affenpinscher from a rescue place in Tulsa.  (Yeah, we had to go look that one up too!)  Dillon is very cute and tiny.  Mom is adjusting to the new dog well.  Jerrell is getting to know him bit by bit.  Jerrell is out of town some and Dillon is a bit stand offish.  Dillon came from a puppy mill in the KC area.  She got him and then went new car shopping.  So I have yet to see either her new Jeep or Dillon.  I figure this should be a good time.  And get Ashley away from the house while Justin is playing with the horses.
I found this site last night and have listened to one video.  I am looking forward to listening to more.  Rick listens to Zigler all the time.  I just have never heard him speak.  He is very thought provoking.  Thought you all might be interested.
We are stating to get more interest in our ranch.  Rick is hoping to be able to quit the real job soon and work only the ranch.  We will be developing a list of things for the kids to work on until then.  That should be interesting.  We went to another ranch's open house.  It was very well attended.  We gave away a gift certificate for a lease on a horse.  It should be interesting to see what kind of responce we get out of this.  It has been hard to ramp up advertising with not knowing when Rick will be out of town.  Maybe is Ashley does settle a bit she can help with lessons.  Right now she seems to be on hyper active mode.  Not sure where that is coming from, but she is being evaluated by some professional help.  We will see.
I have had some kind of wierd cold/allergy thing.  Yesterday afternoon talking became interesting.  Guess that's why I have typed so much this morning.  LOL!  Funny thing is my typeing seems to come out with a stuffy head also.  I figure I should be safe around Rain since I don't have a fever, but you never know.
Well, I best get.  I have over 300 email to read.  Still need to pay bills and get caught up on those things.  In addition, to finishing the business plan, finishing the Sierra Ranch website, updating the Hooves website, making a contract for Ashley to live by while living in our house and a bizzlion other things.  The joys of small business owner, mother, and engineer.  :)  Have a great week!
Deb in Claremore, OK

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What you really learn from hardships

Suffering is the tuition one pays for a character degree.

- Richard M. Rayner, M.D., SparkPeople member

"Perhaps you think this isn't very 'positive' sounding, but I find it helps people (patients and friends) put hardship, which is inevitable, to good use," says Richard. "People can use their suffering either to gain character or become bitter. The ones who choose bitterness live a long, slow death. The ones who choose character truly live." Richard is right on the money. Happiness and sadness don't happen to us--they come from within. The story of your life will be written with or without your help. The next chapter is happening while you read this. Will you wait to see what it says later, or will you help write it?
This is a Healthy Reflection.  Man oh man, is this not the truth.  And the No. 2 Kid is finding this out and will find more out as time goes on.
As Dr. Rayner mentions, sometimes you can't avoid a bit of hardship.  The kid is wanting us to make her feel good.  She told me she couldn't study or concentrate to study without feeling good about herself.  Again that is where she and I are different.  I would study just to avoid all that.  But again I am a nerd.  I admit it.  Not everyone reads text books for fun.  :)  Mom actually forced me to read romance novels when I was in high school.  I relented to King Arther literature, but reading for fun was beyond what I wanted to do.
And Allyson is taking all this in stride.  She had some math homework the other day.  It said to solve the equations.  I told her she had done them all wrong and she insisted this was the way the teacher told her to do them.  Found out yesterday I was right.  DUH!  I know math and do it for fun.  :)
Well, I am tons of emails behind and playing the secretary job at work, so guess I better get back to it all.  Hope you all have a wonderful week.  More as it becomes available.  (You know this is keeping me sane, right?)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Life... The Emotional Roller Coaster

I have been wanting to add somethings to the blog and other places, but have not had time to actually get anything done.
This is our reason we are being tortured.  OK, not really, but isn't she cute.  Yeah, I am partial.
As was expected, the mother of this wonderful child is getting divorced from her father.  Her father filed and since the mother (Rick's No. 2 child) is not educated, underage, and without a driver's liscence and car, the father has custody.  We allowed Ashley to move back into our house with a few rules.  No contact with her mother.  She needs to get her GED and driver's liscense.  She needs to help around the house until she gets a job.  We will see how long this lasts.
We have convinced her that she doesn't need a lawyer right now.  The father hired the one we used to get custody of Ashley and Allyson.  We all want what is right.  We want Rain to be safe and right this second that is with her father not Ashley.  Ashley was running to her mother's and that was not good.
We had our first court date and things went pretty well.  I wish the kids could be civil, but I know that's a lot to ask for from 17 and 19 year olds.  I don't like all the stupid high school he said she said crap.  But then I didn't really even like that crap in HS.  :P  I was just old for my time.  Pretty much knew my mind from a very young age.  I know totally wierd.  And so not today!
Alas, back to court.  We agreed to Justin having temporay custody.  Ashley gets visitation Wen. evening and one weekend day.  Rick or I have to be present.  Partially to keep them civil and partially to keep her from doing something stupid.  We go back to court in about a month (11/12).  We can arrange to have the final agreement then, but she is acting like she wants to drag this out.  She just doesn't get it.
We went to the J-D Trailriding Camp Hooves for a Cure ride.  We were looking for big foot, but figured he stayed in his cave due to the stinking rain.  :)  We had fun even if we only rode for a couple of hours.  Rick and the kids slept in on Sunday and we came home without riding again.  We are looking forward to returning over a longer weekend.  We will see how that goes.  :)  Rick, the kids and Andrea had fun entertaining everyone with the karoake machine. 
Ashley came back with the cold that Allyson had earlier in the week.  So that made court not so fun.  Ashley has not been helping tons with stuff around the house, but it's only been a week.  Hopefully we can work on that, but it's impossible to yell at her when she is asleep.  So, as with all things, this to will pass.
Oh, and to make things EVEN better.  My secretary found a better job within the City and I have a temp again.  One of my engineers is moving to transportation design.  So as one of the remaining ones said it will now commence to rain about the time the other engineer's wife goes into labor.  Ain't life grand.  Oh, and I got the evil work blackberry and the silly thing even worked in Octiva.  Life is ssssoooooo not fun right now.
And I have been trying to work on the Sierra Ranch website.  And not getting anywhere...  Oh well!
I wanna get on my horse and ride into the sunset and not return for a very long time.  But I won't.  I will continue to try to right the world that we live in and hopefully earn a few more jewels for my crown as my brother in law says.  Someday soon I will post pictures of our trip to the hurricane.  :)
Hope you all have had a not quite so eventful couple of weeks!
Deb in Claremore, OK